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                               16550 USART SUPPORT

    BNU fully supports  the  16550 USART in buffered mode.  Using
    the /Z command line switch, you  can  decrease  the amount of
    FIFO buffering used, or disable the FIFO's completely.

    This option has  been  included for "compatibility"  reasons.
    Previous releases of   BNU   used  the  equivalent  of  "/Z2"
    buffering, whereas this release  defaults  to full use of the
    FIFO queues.  If you have problems using the default "/Z0"
    setting, try reducing  first to "/Z1", then "/Z2"  or  lower,
    and once you've found a setting that works, please contact me
    (I'm interested in  know what sort of setup this DOESN'T work

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